I have hardly made a start
a.       Bentuk : Subyek + have/has + past paarticiple.
Contoh  He  has worked
                They have worked
                You have worked
b.      Penyingkatan: Have / has not dapat diringkas penulisannya .
-Contoh : She has not worked menjadi : She hasn’t worked
c.       Penggunaan :
-          Untuk perbuatan yang baru saja selesai .
Contoh : He has just gone out,
           -   Untuk suatu perbuatan lampau yang waktunya tak ditentukan atau diketahui berlangsungnya.
       Contoh : I have read the instruction but I don’t understand them.
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah dilakukan dan dapat terjadi lagi di masa mendatang.
Contoh : I have seen wolves in that forest ( lain kali mungkin masih akan bertemu dengan serigala lagi di hutan itu)
Tetapi : I used to see wolves here (berarti dulu saya bisa melihat serigala tetapi sekarang tidak melihat lagi).
-          Digunakan bersama dengan lately, recently, y et.
Contoh : He has not finished yet.
Catatan : Dapat pula menggunakan periode waktu seperti : to day, this week, this month, this year, tetapi dengan syarat waktunya  yang tepat tida/ belum diketahui. Bila waktu kejadian sudah diketahui maka yang digunkan adalah past tense.
Sedangkan untuk keterangan waktu this morning  hanya sampai jam 13,00  dan untuk this afternoon sampai jam  17.00. Apabila melebihi waktu tersebut berarti tonight dan harus menggunakan past tense.
Contoh : Have you seen him today ( jam nya tak jelas)
                He went back to work this morning.
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah berl;angsung sejak dulu dan kejadiannya berakhir pada waktu dibicarakan.
Contoh : (Ketika sedang menyapu dia berkata ): This room has not been cleaned for months.
         Digunakan untuk kalimat yang menggunakan keterangan waktu  ‘ for ‘ dan ‘since’.
                   Contoh : We have lived in Kendal for ten years (dan sekarang          
                                   masih tinggal di Kendal).
                                  Catatan ; Untuk kata ‘since ‘ tidak digunakan’ the’ sesudahnya  dan untuk’ for’ digunakan’ the’ sesudahnya . Jadi yang ada ‘since last week’ dan’ for the last week’.
-          Digunakan dalam bahasa surat menyurat, surat kabar dan radio dengan catatan :
-          Dalam surat menyurat semua kalimaty dalam bentuk Presnt Perfect Tense .
Contoh :  I am sory I haven’t written for such a lng time , but I have been very busy  lately as my partner has been away…..
-      Dalam surat kabar atau radio hanya pada kalimat        pertama  saja untuk selanjutnya Past Tense yang digunakan.
Contoh : Thirty thousand pounds worth of jewellery has been stolen from Jonathan Wild and Company. The thieves broke into the flat above some time during Sunday night.
HOME WORK : WRITE DOWN A POEM IN ENGLISH   8 SENTENCES MINIMALY. ( you can make by your self or take from a magazine etc)
MATERI      5:      A LETTER
                                                             Kendal, November 25, 2005
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter. It is good to hear from you and your family agin. We are all fine here in Kendal. I heard that it is pretty cold now in London. You asked me how to make angklung.So I am going to give you interesting information. This is how to make it.
First of all, you have to find a good piece of bamboo. Thend cut it into small pieces. The next step is to make bamboo smoth, and then give a hole at the end of the bamboo.After that arranges them in a unity. Finally give colour for making good appearance.
The whole process takes several days.
Well, I hope my explanation is clear enough for you. Will you make one? Tom, I would have to finish my letter now because I want to mail it today. And my sister who will mail it is ready to go!
                                                              Bye and best regards to all!
Bentuk  “ going to” digunakan dala perbuatan yang akan datang yakni :
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah direncanakan dan persiapan-persiapannya telah dibuat.
-          Contoh :
-          I am going to meet Tom at the station at 6.oo
-          Jika kita hendak menekankan kehendak subyeknya, maka digunakan bagian kalimat penunjuk waktu .
-          Contoh :
-          He is going to be a dentist when he grows up.
Dapat digunakan tanpa keterangan waktu :
Contoh :
So I am going to give you an interesting information .
-          Tak dapat digunakan dengan kata kerja “go” atau “come”
Contoh :
Bukan : I am going to go.    Tetapi : I am going
Bukan : I am going to come .Tetapi : I am coming
-          Untuk menunjukkan perasaan pembicara akan kepastian datangnya suatu peristiwa.
-          Contoh :
That boy is going to be sick: he looks quite green.
It is going to rain: look at tyhose clouds.
Complete these pharagraph by choosing  the appropiate sentence /word  bellow.
                                                                    Kendal, November 25, 2005
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter. It is ……..again. We are all fine here in Kendal. I heard that it is pretty cold now in London. You asked me how to make angklung.So…………... This is how to make it.
First of all,…………………. Thend ,cut it into small pieces. The next step is to make bamboo smoth, and then give a hole at the end of the bamboo.After that arrange them in a unity. Finally give colour for making good appearance.
The whole…………………...
Well, I hope …………………for you. Will you make one? Tom, I would have to finish my letter now because I want to mail it today. And my sister who will mail it is ready to go!
                                                              Bye and best regards to all!
- I am going to give you an interesting information
- you have to find a good piece of bamboo
- good to hear from you and your family
- my explanation is clear enough
- process takes several days

Friday, 26 th JULY 2005 from 7 pm.
In celebration of Kendal’s anniversary this year. Hotel Berlian will hold a special evening at the poolside offering a popular Indonesian dishes in a market atmosphere. All you can eat  for  Rp. 50.000
Come in traditional consume
Entertainment : Traditional dance
Limited space CALL NOW for reservation on 0294 382811
Jln, Pahlawan Gang Srikaya no  11 Kebondalem

1.      Kampung night will be held at ………
2.      The event will start at …………
3.      It is to celebrate……………..
4.      You can  eat everything if you pay ……..
5.      You will be entertained by ……………
6.      Hotel Berlian is situated on ………….
7.      For reservation we can call on
8.      You have to make a reservation call immediately because there is …………… space.
Friday, 25 th  Ags 2005 from 7 pm.
1, Cardinal numbers
Contoh :
1 = one    2= two   3- three       4 = four  etc
ke I = the first    ke 2 = the second    ke 3 = the third    ke 4 – the fourth       ke 5  =  the fifth    etc
2. Fraction (Bilangan pecahan)
Contoh :
             =     a half
              =  a (one) third
             =    a (one ) quarter
4.      Decimal (bilangan desimal)
Contoh :
2,5 ditulis 2.5     = two point five
3,14 ditulis 3.14   = three point fourteen
15,88  ditulis 15.88 = fifteen point eighty-eight
5.      Addition (penjumlahan)
Contoh :
4=6    = 10        four plus  six is (equals)ten
18 = 26    = 44   eighteen plus twenty- six is fourty-four
6.      Substraction (pengurangan)
Contoh :
17-8      = 15      seventeen minus eight is fifteen
126- 25 = 101    one hundred and twenty six minus twenty five is one hundred and one
7        Multiplication (perkalian)
Contoh :
 12X9     = 108    twelve times nine is one hundret and eight
41X20     = 820    forty one times twenty is eight hundred and twenty.
7.      Division (pembagian)
Contoh  :
26 ; 2   = 13     twenty six divided by two is thirteen
100 ; 2 = 25  one hundred divided by four is twenty five.
8.      Root (akar )
Contoh :
      9    = 3     the root of nine is three
      400  = the root of four hundred is twenty
HOME WORK ; Write down in numeric English.
  1. 28
  2. ke- 101
  3. 109.75
  4. 205+69  = 274
I have an unforgettable experience that heppened about two years ago. One day I went for a walk to enjoy the morning fresh weather after I had some house work. Then I decided to go to market. When I just came to a fruit –seller for some apples, I I heard a noisese. I saw a boy running toward me and suddently threw a purse to me. He did not say anything and left away quickly. Before I knew wahat really happened, a woman came to me. She was in a hurry and she looked at the purse on my hand. Just like a thunder, she hit me on the head while accusing me of stealing her purse. The good-for- nothing  purse was a convincing  proof.
Bad luck  = nasib malang

Nervous= gemetar

Fruit-seller = penjual buah


Purse = dompet

All of a sudden = serta merta

Thunder = guntur, guruh

Unlucky= tak menguntungkan

Accusing  = mendakwa

Arose = bangkit

Good for nothing = brengsek

Detected= mengetahui

Convincing= meyakinkan

Being detected= ketahuan

Proof = bukti

Fault = kekhilafan


Apologized= minta maaf

Even = bahkan

Proverb= peribahasa

Shouted= berteriak

It’s no use crying over spilt milk = nasi telah menjadi bubur.

Attacted – menarik perhatian

A FEW ; berarti sedikit atau beberapa, few berarti lebih sedikit dari pada a few, biasanya didahului oleh kata ‘ a few’ (hanya). Kedua kata ini dipakai untuk kata-kata benda yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh : There are a few students in classroom
                 = ada beberapa (sedikit) siswa di kelas.
                There are only few students in the classroom
                = hanya ada sedikit siswa di kelas.
A LITTLE: artinya sedikit, untuk kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung  (barang cair, bahan dsb) ; little dengan kata benda  yang tak dapat dihitung berarti lebih sedikit  dari pada a little.
Contoh :
Mother bought a little coffee
ALTHOUGH adalah kata sambung  (konjungsi) yang berarti meskipun . Kata ini dalam suatu kalimat  tidak boleh diikuti dengan but
Contoh : Although it rained , they worked in the rice field
              Atau : It rained , but  they they worked in the rice field
              (meskipun hujan mereka bekerja di sawah)
BESIDE artinya di samping atau di sni ( = next to) sedangkan besides  (ada huruf s dibelakangnya) berarti selain
                Contoh : Rudi likes to sit beside Irwan
                               Besides reading I also like singing
IN SPITE OF  artinya meskipun  (sama dengan despite) harus diikuti kata benda atau frasa benda.
Contoh : In spite of her richness, she was not arrogant (meskipun kaya ia tidak  sewenang-wenang)
               Instead of writing an essay, Irma wrote a letter (Yang mestinya menulis karangan, Irma menulis surat)
HOME WORK : Rewrite these sentences depend on the text (arrange again)  try not to look at the text.              
1. One day I went for a walk to enjoy the morning fresh weather  after I had some house work
2. When I just came to a fruit –seller for some apples, I heard a noisese. I saw a boy running toward me and suddently threw a purse to me
3. He did not say anything and left away quickly. Before I knew wahat really happened, a woman came to me
4. She was in a hurry  and she looked at the purse on my hand. Just like a thunder, she hit me on the head while accusing me of stealing her  purse
5. I have an unforgettable experience that heppened about two years ago
6. Then I decided to go to market
7. The good-for- nothing  purse was a convincing  proof

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